
Brother TZeS211 Cinta Laminada Super Adhesiva Original de Etiquetas - Texto negro sobre fondo blanco - Ancho 6mm x 8 metros

14,39€ EUR
Only 3 units of this product remain
Brother TZeS211 (TZ-S211) cinta laminada súper adhesiva original para imprimir etiquetas con una rotuladora electrónica. Utilizable en las rotuladoras electrónicas que muestran el logotipo TZ y TZe. Las cintas laminadas están diseñadas para durar, incluso bajo condiciones extremas y son capaces de aguantar temperaturas extremas, luz solar, agua, sustancias químicas o la abrasión. Cuando necesita una adherencia más fuerte en comparación con las cintas con adhesivo normal. Desarrollada para su uso en superficies rugosas, ásperas, irregulares o con relieve, estas cintas permiten realizar etiquetas para permanecer en el lugar que son colocadas siendo usadas como etiquetado permanente. Dada la fuerza de pegado, puede ocurrir algún daño al retirarlas. Concentración de bisfenol A inferior al 0,02% en peso (en cumplimiento con la normativa vigente). Características: -Texto negro sobre fondo blanco. -Ancho de 6 mm. -Longitud de 8 metros. Adecuado para uso en las siguientes impresoras: Brother P-touch 200 Brother P-touch 1000 Brother P-touch 1000BTS Brother P-touch 1005 Brother P-touch 1005BTS Brother P-touch 1005F Brother P-touch 1005FB Brother P-touch 1010 Brother P-touch 1010B Brother P-touch 1010L Brother P-touch 1010NB Brother P-touch 1010R1 Brother P-touch 1080 Brother P-touch 1080BTS Brother P-touch 1080SBTS Brother P-touch 1090 Brother P-touch 1090BK Brother P-touch 1100SB Brother P-touch 1100SBVP Brother P-touch 1100ST Brother P-touch 1130 Brother P-touch 1150 Brother P-touch 1150DX Brother P-touch 1160 Brother P-touch 1170 Brother P-touch 1170S Brother P-touch 1180 Brother P-touch 1180HK Brother P-touch 1190 Brother P-touch 11Q Brother P-touch 1200 Brother P-touch 1230PC Brother P-touch 1250 Brother P-touch 1250CC Brother P-touch 1250CCVP Brother P-touch 1250J Brother P-touch 1250LB Brother P-touch 1250S Brother P-touch 1250VP Brother P-touch 1250VPS Brother P-touch 1260VP Brother P-touch 1280 Brother P-touch 1280BTS Brother P-touch 1280CB Brother P-touch 1280DT Brother P-touch 1280SR Brother P-touch 1280VP Brother P-touch 1280VPS Brother P-touch 1290 Brother P-touch 1290DT Brother P-touch 1290SBVP Brother P-touch 1290VP Brother P-touch 1400 Brother P-touch 1500PC Brother P-touch 1600 Brother P-touch 1650 Brother P-touch 1750 Brother P-touch 1760 Brother P-touch 1800 Plus Brother P-touch 1800E Brother P-touch 1800ECC Brother P-touch 1810 Brother P-touch 1830 Brother P-touch 1830SC Brother P-touch 1830VP Brother P-touch 1850 Brother P-touch 1850CC Brother P-touch 1850VP Brother P-touch 1880 Brother P-touch 1880CT Brother P-touch 18R Brother P-touch 18RKT Brother P-touch 18RZ Brother P-touch 1900 Brother P-touch 1910 Brother P-touch 1950 Brother P-touch 1950VP Brother P-touch 1960 Brother P-touch 2030 Brother P-touch 2030AD Brother P-touch 2030VP Brother P-touch 210 Brother P-touch 210E Brother P-touch 2100 Brother P-touch 2100VP Brother P-touch 2110 Brother P-touch 220 Brother P-touch 2300 Brother P-touch 2310 Brother P-touch 2400 Brother P-touch 2400E Brother P-touch 2400ECC Brother P-touch 2420 Brother P-touch 2420PC Brother P-touch 2430PC Brother P-touch 2450 Brother P-touch 2450CC Brother P-touch 2450DX Brother P-touch 2460 Brother P-touch 2470 Brother P-touch 2480 Brother P-touch 2500PC Brother P-touch 2600 Brother P-touch 2610 Brother P-touch 2700 Brother P-touch 2700VP Brother P-touch 2710 Brother P-touch 2730 Brother P-touch 2730VP Brother P-touch 300 Brother P-touch 310 Brother P-touch 340 Brother P-touch 350 Brother P-touch 3600 Brother P-touch 500 Brother P-touch 550A Brother P-touch 7100 Brother P-touch 7100VP Brother P-touch 7500VP Brother P-touch 7600VP Brother P-touch 900 Brother P-touch 900BTS Brother P-touch 900F Brother P-touch 9200DX Brother P-touch 9200PC Brother P-touch 9400 Brother P-touch 9500 Brother P-touch 9500PC Brother P-touch 9600 Brother P-touch 9700PC Brother P-touch 9800PCN Brother P-touch D200 Brother P-touch D200BW Brother P-touch D200BWVP Brother P-touch D200KT Brother P-touch D200VP Brother P-touch D200WNVP Brother P-touch D210 Brother P-touch D210VP Brother P-touch D400 Brother P-touch D400AD Brother P-touch D400VP Brother P-touch D450 Brother P-touch D450VP Brother P-touch D600 Brother P-touch D600VP Brother P-touch D800W Brother P-touch E100 Brother P-touch E100VP Brother P-touch E110 Brother P-touch E110VP Brother P-touch E300 Brother P-touch E300VP Brother P-touch E500 Brother P-touch E500VP Brother P-touch E550W Brother P-touch E550WS Brother P-touch E550WSP Brother P-touch E550WVP Brother P-touch E800W Brother P-touch GL-100 Brother P-touch GL-200 Brother P-touch GL-200VP Brother P-touch H100 Brother P-touch H100LB Brother P-touch H100R Brother P-touch H101 Brother P-touch H101TB Brother P-touch H105 Brother P-touch H105P Brother P-touch H105WB Brother P-touch H107B Brother P-touch H108G Brother P-touch H110 Brother P-touch H110LB Brother P-touch H200 Brother P-touch H300 Brother P-touch H300LI Brother P-touch H500 Brother P-touch H500LI Brother P-touch H75 Brothe

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